Northern Ballet gives children the opportunity to perform alongside the Company dancers in some Company productions and in Academy, Learning and Community performances. Whilst this is an opportunity for the children, Northern Ballet recognises it has a duty of care to them and will ensure that the safety of the children is always our prime concern.
Children taking part in any Northern Ballet production will always be in the care of a licensed chaperone or guardian.
Requirements for the Safety of Children in Performance
- Children will always be chaperoned by a professional licensed chaperone* or guardian who will hold a current DBS check. Proof of this and current chaperone licenses will be provided to Northern Ballet for records
- Each child will hold a performance license or BOPA which will be issued by their local authority
- Northern Ballet will follow the guidelines set by NNCEE (National Network for Child Employment and Entertainment) with regards to appropriate working practices and hours
- Northern Ballet will ensure that children get the appropriate hours of schooling required by law and that permission for school absence (where required) has been received for each child
- Northern Ballet will ensure staff are supported about safe working practices with children. All staff members will be able to view Northern Ballet’s and the venue’s safeguarding policies
- A risk assessment will be put in place to cover children performing on stage and this will be production specific
- The venue safeguarding policy will be available to view and the Company Manager will ensure this is available prior to the company arriving in each venue
- In the absence of a venue safeguarding policy, the Northern Ballet policy and guidelines will be used and venue staff will be expected to follow the policy
- Company members who come into direct contact with children in performance will work within the Northern Ballet General Safeguarding Guidelines for all Staff.
Whilst children/chaperones are working with Northern Ballet they will
- Be made familiar with their environment including but not limited to - dressing rooms, route to stage and backstage areas. These will be shown by the most appropriate members of staff
- Talked through health and safety procedures before the commencement of the production or rehearsal on stage
- Chaperones will be informed of the fire evacuation procedure
- Be rehearsed sufficiently to ensure their safety and confidence on stage
- Have a clean, safe and fully functioning dressing room with separate children’s only toilet
- Be provided with the venue’s safeguarding policy which highlights key people to speak to regarding Safeguarding. They will also receive Northern Ballet’s Appropriate Physical Contact Policy and Social Media Policy
- Safeguarding Children & Young People
- Appendix A - Cause for Concern Form
- Appendix B (i) - Safeguarding Code of Conduct for all Staff
- Appendix B (ii) - Safeguarding Code of Conduct for all Staff Working Closely with Participants
- Appendix C - Participant Code of Conduct
- Appendix D - Safe Recruitment
- Appendix E - Recruiting Ex-Offenders
- Appendix F - Participant Anti-Bullying Policy
- Appendix G - Appropriate Physical Contact Statement
- Appendix H - Participant Healthy Eating Policy
- Appendix I - Punctuality and Lateness Statement
- Appendix J - Participant Mobile Phone Policy
- Appendix K - Health and Safety Policy
- Appendix K - Major Incident Planning Policy
- Appendix M - Social Media Statement
- Appendix N - Photography and Moving Image Policy
- Appendix O - Administering First Aid and Medicine Policy
- Appendix P - Children in Performances
- Appendix Q - Data Protection
- Appendix R - Useful Contacts and References