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Group of you people practicing balancing on one leg with one leg stretched behind them and balanced from their bodies leaning forward.

Appendix B(i) - Safeguarding Code of Conduct for all Northern Ballet Staff

This Code of Conduct is expected of all Northern Ballet staff when they are interacting with children or adults at risk in any capacity on behalf of the Company.

  • Always prioritise the safety and wellbeing of the person. Remember they are people first, and staff/visitors or participants second
  • Always act within professional boundaries - ensure all contact with a child/adult at risk is essential to the programme/project/activity/performance you are working on
  • Never give out your personal contact details, ask a child/adult at risk for their personal details and do not 'friend' or 'follow' a child, you are working with, on social networking sites
  • Do not assume sole responsibility for a child/adult at risk and only take on practical caring responsibilities such as taking them to the toilet or administering medicine (following the detailed guidance on their consent form) in an emergency. If a child or adult at risk needs care, alert the teacher, guardian or chaperone
  • Never lose sight of the fact that you are with and around a child/adult at risk - behave appropriately and use appropriate language at all times
  • Listen to and respect a child/adult at risk at all times, don’t patronise them and avoid favouritism
  • Treat a child/adult at risk fairly and without prejudice or discrimination
  • If you observe a child/adult at risk engaging in bullying behaviour or other behaviour that may put them at risk, you must report it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Ultimately, if you have any concerns about the welfare of a child/adult at risk or feel someone is behaving inappropriately around them, you have a duty to report your concern to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Follow guidance notifications of using toilets when children (those under 18 years) are using the same working space as you

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Leanne Kirkham
Director of Learning

Annemarie Donoghue
Academy Graduate & Associate Manager

Designated Safeguarding Officers

Emma Rodriguez-Saona
Open Programme Manager and Student Support Coordinator

Sam Moore
Senior Learning Project Manager

On tour

On tour and at theatres please report all concerns to the Company Manager

Failure to follow this code of conduct will result in disciplinary action as detailed in the Northern Ballet Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure, available in General/Handbook & Policies or from the HR Manager who can be contacted via