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Group of you people practicing balancing on one leg with one leg stretched behind them and balanced from their bodies leaning forward.

Appendix B(ii) - Safeguarding Code of Conduct for all Northern Ballet Staff Working Closely with Participants

We will endeavour to ensure that all participants in our care are protected from all forms of abuse. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, bullying, homophobic remarks or behaviour, sectarianism or any form of discrimination towards anyone.

Staff Will

  • Create a safe and enjoyable environment
  • Treat everyone equally, with respect and dignity and put the participants welfare and safety first
  • Provide an example of good conduct for others to follow that includes
    • being polite and respectful of others
    • using appropriate and inoffensive verbal and physical language
    • carrying out duties with professionalism, care for others and for the environment and premises
  • Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback, not negative criticism
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviour using the Participant Code of Conduct and Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Take time to listen to participants’ views and take these on board in any relevant decision-making process
  • Complete a written report of any injury on site, together with any subsequent treatment if relevant in the Injury Log
  • Respect everyone’s right to personal privacy and encourage them to feel comfortable
  • At all times, adhere to the Appropriate Physical Contact Statement
  • Always maintain visibility and openness when working with participants
  • Avoid working on a one-to-one basis in an enclosed space. If a participant wishes to speak privately to a member of staff this should be done in a visible and open space with consideration given to the participant’s right to privacy
  • Report all allegations/suspicions of abuse to a Designated Safeguarding Lead

Staff Will Not

  • Show favouritism to any individual
  • Take images or film, using their own personal equipment
  • Use their personal mobile phone/technology when working with participants, unless it is to play music for a class or performance
  • Use attention-seeking behaviour/make suggestive or derogatory remarks or gestures
  • Tolerate or condone bullying in any form
  • Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with a participant
  • Do anything of a personal nature for a participant if they can do it themselves
  • Make sexually suggestive comments
  • Let allegations made by a participant go without being recorded
  • Deter a participant from making allegations
  • Abuse any position/relationship of trust

In addition, when staff are working with Children they will not

  • Meet with a child outside of classes, events and meetings organised by Northern Ballet
  • Take a child alone in a car on journeys, however short, without the express permission of a Northern Ballet DSL
  • If it is essential, business insurance is required
  • Friend or follow any participant under the age of 18, on social media sites

Failure to follow this code of conduct will result in disciplinary action as detailed in the Northern Ballet Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure, available in General/Handbook & Policies or from the HR Manager via email