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Falling in love, Beauty and Beast dance together


Gentle and modest, the opposite of her sisters. She is sent to the Beast’s castle to save the life of her father.
An anguished Beast on his knees, flexed arms out to his side and screaming


Cursed by the evil fairy, the Beast lives a solitary life in his castle and hopes to earn Beauty’s love to lift the spell.
After BEast is restored to Prince Orian the family celebrate

Prince Orian

Vain, egotistical and self-centered, the Prince lives a superficial life.
Lost in the woods, Beauty's father laments all he has lost

Beauty's Father

A wealthy man and father to Beauty, Chantelle and Isabelle.
After all their money, posessions and clothes are gone, the family huddle together for warmth

Chantelle and Isabelle

Beauty’s socialite sisters, they have a passion for fashion and an insatiable appetite for spending their father’s money.
La Fée Magnifique standing on one foot en pointe, a leg raised behind her, one arm above her, her black and green dress spread out by the force of her spin.

La Fée Magnifique

An evil fairy and sister to La Fée Luminaire. She transforms Prince Orian into a beast.
The kindly fairy give Orian a chance to repent by falling in love and having someone fall in love with him

La Fée Luminaire

A good fairy and sister to La Fée Magnifique. She tells the Beast that true love can break her sister’s curse.
The butler encourages Beast to find the love in his heart


Prince Orian’s manservant.

Photos taken by Tristram Kenton, Emma Kauldhar, and Bill Cooper.