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Mariana left the Company in 2021.

Junior Soloist

Mariana was born in Lisbon, Portugal and joined Northern Ballet in 2012 from the Royal Ballet School.

Learn more about Mariana

Where were you born and raised?

I was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal.

At what age did you start dancing?

I started dancing when I was 4.

Where did you train?

I trained at the National Conservatory Dance School in Lisbon and at the Royal Ballet School.

Bertha Mason dramatically reveals herself at Rochester and Jane's wedding


Lynn Seymour Award 2010 and Finalist at Youth America Grand Prix 2009.

Favourite Northern Ballet roles

Bertha (Jane Eyre), Madame de Pompadour (Casanova), Madame de Bonacieux (The Three Musketeers) and Maria (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas).

Career highlights

Performing one of the main duets in Jiri Kylian’s Un Ballu at the Royal Opera House and performing Bertha in Jane Eyre at Sadler’s Wells.

What do you like most about being a dancer?

Overcoming the challenges that we constantly face and being able to portray different characters. Also the connection between mind, body and spirit.

If you could adapt one work into a ballet what would it be?

A medieval tale.

What is your favourite book?

A compilation of Murakami short stories.

What is your favourite post-show meal?

A hearty soup or a nice piece of roasted fish.

How do you like to relax?

There are many lovely towns in Yorkshire and the most beautiful countryside. I really enjoy hopping on a train and spending time away from one big city. I also love cooking and doing yoga, watching science fiction and playing board games with friends.

If you weren’t a dancer what would you be?

I have many interests and would like to do a lot of different things. I like to think I would have the brain power to become an astrophysicist.

Header photo by Justin Slee. Other photos by Emma Kauldhar.